Literary Societies as Interpretive Communities: The Dissemination of Poetry and the Mourning of Poetics




Poetry, poetics, literary societies, mourning, loyalt , betrayal


The productions in the form of manifestos, prefaces, and prose, written by literary societies and their members, deserve attention as normative poetics that aim to determine what is and is not literature in any period, and as an effort to think about poetry individually or collectively. The poetic productions of literary societies, which have become increasingly evident in twentieth-century modern Turkish literature, aim to determine new literary norms. On the one hand, they make it necessary to rethink the relationship between poetry and poetics. On the other hand, these poetics also raise critical questions in terms of literary thought as they are a re-reading of different ways of understanding literature on a historical and theoretical plane. For this reason, this paper first analyzes the way of thinking of literary societies that interpret their poetry as a betrayal or not being faithful to poetics, and then it claims that this poetry-poetics relationship renders literature as nonliterary. Finally, it reinterprets the relationship between poetry and poetics in which the one does not suppress the other, and it explores the dialogical structure, especially within the concepts of betrayal and loyalty on the poetic plane. In addition, this paper tries to clarify the possibilities of the change in these concepts within literary theory and history.


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How to Cite

Gündogdu, Servet. 2023. “Literary Societies As Interpretive Communities: The Dissemination of Poetry and the Mourning of Poetics”. Nesir: Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, no. 5 (October):135-48.



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