Review Process

At first, the editorial board reviews the submitted manuscripts in terms of form, citation style, and topic. Editorial board sends the articles, which are convenient for publishing, to at least two reviewers to evaluate manuscripts’ convenience to scientific standards. Our journal follows blind peer-review principles, so referees do not see the authors’ names and institutions, they may only see manuscripts’ record no. Editorial board evaluates the book review, translations, and letters to editors, no other review process takes place.

Editorial board may directly reject a manuscript without initiating blind peer-review process, in such circumstances editorial board declares reasons and justification to the author.

Editorial board and referees evaluate the manuscripts approxiamately in 60 days. This period extends if referees or editorial board asks editing and corrections from authors. Editorial board selects the reviewers or referees.

Due to blind review principles, the authors and referees names remain unknown. Referees evaluate manuscripts in terms of their methods, originality and ethical convenience, and decide whether is it publishable or not. Acceptions and rejections of the manuscripts is based on the referees’ decisions and recommendations. If both reviewers conclude that the manuscript is PUBLISHABLE, it is placed in the queue for publication in the next available issue. In cases of conflicting evaluations—where one reviewer deems the manuscript PUBLISHABLE and the other considers it UNPUBLISHABLE—a third reviewer is assigned, or the manuscript may be rejected by the editorial board. If both reviewers conclude that the manuscript is UNPUBLISHABLE, it is rejected. If one or both reviewers suggest that the manuscript RESUBMIT FOR REVIEW, meaning a major revision is needed, the editorial board decides whether to accept, reject, or send the manuscript to a third reviewer for further evaluation.

If referees and editorial board ask for corrections and editings in order to publish the articles, authors must send them in 15 days via e-mail. Authors must consider the reviews and corrections given by referees and editorial board. We recommend authors to briefly explain their corrections in their e-mail.