Ethical Principles

Research and Publication Ethics

Contribution to the development and dissemination of knowledge in a objective and respectful manner constitutes the basis of Nesir: Journal of Literary Studies’ publication process. Accordingly, applied processes directly influence the works of the authors and their institutions. Peer-review studies embody and support scientific methodology. Hence, all actors of the publication process (authors, readers, researchers, publishers, reviewers and editors) must comply with the ethical principles.

The abovementioned ethical responsibilities are compiled by taking Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE into consideration. 

1. Authors Ethical Responsibilities

• The authors are responsible for articles’ compliance with academic standards in terms of research and originality.

• The submitted manuscripted must be in compliance with scientific publication ethics and must avoid unethical practices (plagiarism, fabrication, fake authorship, and not giving credit to patron institutions).

• Authors should not submit published articles and should not send the same article to  more than one publications.

• The ones, who does not have academic contribution to the article, should not be written as authors. The submitted manuscripts cannot be published without consent of all authors.

• If journal editors request the raw data of the study, the authors are responsible for conveying them.

• Submitting manuscript to Nesir means that the authors have read and confirm the publication, submission ethics and guide for authors. The authors make a commitment to all principals.

• Authors must insert all cited sources into bibliography, and cited sources must be complete and accurate.

• If authors realize any mistake or error related to their articles in the early stages of publication process or on e-journal, they should inform the editors to correct or withdraw their articles.

2. Ethical Responsibilities of Referees/Reviewers

• We consider reviewers as the main establisher of the studies’ academic quality, and we expect them to contribute to improve and excel quality of papers.

• Reviewers must acknowledge their expertise on the submitted manuscripts, and should accept to review the articles if they agree blind peer-review principles. They must accept to be reviewer, if they agree to conceal the content of an article.

• After the review process, the reviewers should never share any information about the articles.

• Reviewers must only consider article’s contents, findings, and their compliance with academic criteria. Academic disagreements should not influence the decision of the reviewers.

• The review reports must be objective and moderate. Reviewers must avoid humiliating, contemptous and accusive expressions.

• Reviewers must avoid shallow, ambigious and vague expressions. The negative decisions require concrete and to-the-point evaluations.

• Reviewers should be loyal to the deadline, if they will not evaluate a study, they should inform editorial board within a short time.

3. The Responsibilities of Editors 

• The Editors must accept articles which may contribute to journal’s relevant fields.

• The editors should not be in relation/conflict of interest with the accepted or rejected articles.

• The editors have all authority and responsibility to accept and reject the articles.

• The editors are responsible for keeping authors’ and reviewers’ name confidential from each other.

• The editors must conduct plagiarism scan to avoid any academic misconduct.

• The editors are responsible for time management for publishing process including preliminary examination, review, editing and publishing.

• The editors must prioritize academic concerns and standarts when they accept articles to the journal.

• We depend on Turkish Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive Fourth Article along with Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).