Interpretership of Tadhkirat al-awliya in the Ottoman Realm: A Dream of a Qutb of the World in the Üsküdar İskele Mosque




Farid ad-Din ʿAttar, Tadhkirat Al-Awliya, tariqatnama, biography, translation


This paper examines a seventeenth-century anonymous translation of Farid ad-Din ʿAttar’s Tadhkirat Al-Awliya from Persian into Ottoman Turkish. In this manuscript, available in the Hüdai Efendi collection of the Hacı Selim Ağa Library, the translator, after translating the entry of Abu Turab Nahshabi (d. 859), claims to have shared a similar experience with Abu Turab. This translation is remarkable in two ways. First, the translator changed the genre of the text according to his context. Second, the translator transformed this small passage into an ego-document, making himself a part of the Sufi world narrated in the text.


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How to Cite

Kaplan, Cankat, and Cevat Sucu. 2024. “Interpretership of Tadhkirat Al-Awliya in the Ottoman Realm: A Dream of a Qutb of the World in the Üsküdar İskele Mosque”. Nesir: Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, no. 6 (April):243-52.




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