Boundaries of Irrealis in Turkish




Irrealis, unrealisation, absence, ambiguity, Turkish, semantics


Different categories of grammar function separately or together for semantics. Phonological, morphological, lexical, or syntactic features of the grammatical layers reflecting language's internal structure serve semantics. The primary purpose of all these categories is to express tangible or intangible entities in the universe. However, language also serves to describe what is absent and unrealised. Reality (realis) refers to a meta-domain of meaning, determined by grammatical categories, in which a notion, event, or situation expresses an existing reality. Realis can also reflect the mood of the speaker. On the other hand, irrealis refers to a meta-meaning domain in which the reality of a notion, event, or situation is not fully known, and even in cases where it is known, the reality is not certain. Irrealis can occur completely or partially in sentences formed with nouns and verbs. Irrealis has different types. This study draws the semantic boundaries of the notion of irrealis in Turkish. These boundaries are determined to include unrealisation, absence, ambiguity, affinity, and approximation. In addition to these, different markers also draw the boundaries of irrealis in Turkish.


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How to Cite

Hirik, Erkan. 2024. “Boundaries of Irrealis in Turkish”. Nesir: Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, no. 6 (April):149-85.



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